Wednesday, March 28, 2018

CET DELHI 2018 Entrance Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern - Testbag

DELHI POLYTECHNICS COMMON ENTRANCE TEST (DELHI CET ) 2018 Syllabus and Exam Pattern TestBag now has exclusive microsite for DELHI POLYTECHNICS Exams. Please click on for one stop on everything about DELHI POLYTECHNICS Exams. Test-1 : Mathematics-(50 Questions), Physics (40 Questions), Chemistry (30 Questions), Biology (15 Questions) & English (15 Questions) as...

CET DELHI 2018 Exam Notification - Testbag

DELHI POLYTECHNICS COMMON ENTRANCE TEST (DELHI CET ) 2018 Notification TestBag now has exclusive microsite for DELHI POLYTECHNICS Exams. Please click on for one stop on everything about DELHI POLYTECHNICS Exams. Kindly Note:  Submission of online Application Forms :    20-03-2018 Closing date for online Application Forms : 19-04-2018 Date of...

Testbag Advantage to Crack JEE MAIN Entance Exam

JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (JEE-MAIN) Testbag Advantage           Kindly Note : TestBag now has exclusive microsite for JEE(MAIN). Please click on for one stop on everything about JEE(MAIN).  TestBag broadly covers multiple choice questions in topics/subtopics of Physics Chemistry Mathematics as outlined in exam pattern...

Testbag Advantage to Crack CLAT Entance Exam for LLB

COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST (CLAT) Testbag Advantage                    Kindly Note: TestBag has now exclusive site for CLAT LLB entrance exam preparation. Please click on for one stop on everything about CLAT Exams TestBag broadly covers multiple choice questions in topics/subtopics of English...

Thursday, March 22, 2018

CLAT Entrance Exam for LLB Syllabus

COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST (CLAT) Syllabus Kindly Note: TestBag has now exclusive site for CLAT LLB entrance exam preparation. Please click on for one stop on everything about CLAT Exams. CLAT UG Programme syllabus: Click Here For Register CLAT Free Mock test and Online Topic /Chapter Test by Testbag The different subject areas of the exam are explained as under: 1. English including...

Testbag: JEE MAIN Syllabus

JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (JEE-MAIN) Syllabus Kindly Note : TestBag now has exclusive microsite for JEE(MAIN). Please click on for one stop on everything about JEE(MAIN). MATHEMATICS Unit 1: Sets, Relations And Functions: Sets and their representation; Union, intersection and complement of sets and their algebraic properties; Power set; Relation, Types of relations, equivalence...