State Bank of India Recruitment of Probationary Officers (SBI PO) 2021 Prelims Exam Date & Admit Card
Important Dates (SBI PO Online Preliminary Exam Call Letter)
Commencement of SBI PO Call letter Download: |
08 - 11 - 2021 | ||
Closure of SBI PO Call letter Download: | 27 - 11 - 2021 |
Click Here for sbi po admit card
Kindly Note : TestBag now has exclusive microsite for State Bank of India Recruitment of Probationary Officers (SBI PO) Exam. Please click on for one stop on everything about SBI PO Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Study Materials, Previous years old papers and Online Mock Sample Papers for SBI PO Prelims and Main Exam.
Online SBI PO Phase-I Preliminary Examination: November/ December 2021
Online SBI PO Phase-II Main Examination: December 2021
TestBag broadly covers SBI PO Prelims & Main multiple choice questions in topics/subtopics
English Language
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability
Computer Aptitude
Data Analysis & Interpretation
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness
as outlined in exam pattern for SBI PO Preliminary & Main Examination Pattern
Click here For SBI PO Online Mock Test Series
The SBI PO exam is difficult as well as competitive. As such your speed with accuracy become key factors
SBI PO Exam Analyser
has details of SBI PO Exam. Please go through the syllabus and define
your weekly schedule to cover each topic You have to master subject each
topic wise step by step and the practice for final exam around one
month before exam date.
SBI PO Self Assessor has multiple choice questions in topics like
Data Sufficeieny, Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning
Ability, English & General Awareness. Please go through any good
SBI PO book for quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, english and
general awareness. For General awareness, newspapers and current events
magazines also would be of great help. In case of quantitative aptitude
it is necessary to understand concepts and short cut methods for doing
questions quickly. Some memorising will of good help in other areas.
Thereafter only practice will help you to acheive required speed and
accuracy Everyday after a topic, master the same by simulating self
tests on the topic with sufficient challenge so that you can bench mark
your accuracy with time. Self Assessor will not only indicate your
level of learning, accuracy and speed on each topic but will add a lot
to your knowledge from its own knowledge pool on every self assessment.
Analyse the question attempted incorrectly by you by revisting the topic
concept in any good book or take help of your collegues and teachers.
Click here For SBI PO Online Free Mock Test Series
SBI PO Test Simulator
has mock tests/ test patterns for SBI PO Exam. These tests are based on
previous year patterns specific to SBI PO Prelims & Main Exam or
are created by subject matter experts. SBI PO Mock tests have fixed
number of questions indicated topicwise based on SBI PO Exam parameters
such as question number, types, topics included, level of questions,
marks and time. These SBI PO tests simulate exam like environment and
first hand experience helps to put many unfounded fears to rest.
SBI PO Test History stores results with details of each attempted
question in all tests simulated by user to enable each user to monitor
his/her progress and discuss shortcoming with teachers/mentors.