Friday, December 2, 2016



There is no fixed syllabus for COMMON WRITTEN EXAMINATION [CWE] FOR RECRUITMENT IN CLERICAL CADRE. However the exam mainly covers five areas

Quantitative Aptitude
Questions are asked mainly from the following topics/subtopics 
Elementary Mathematics

Arithmetic (Number Theory)

Number Systems

Square Roots 

Cube Roots

Fractions and Decimals

H.C.F. and L.C.M. 



Chain Rule

Ratio and Proportion



Additional Topics In Arithmetic


Boats and Streams

Clocks and Calendars



Mixture and Alligation

Pipes and Cisterns

Races and Games

Problems on Trains

Unitary Method

Time and Distance

Time and Work

Work and Wages

Commercial Maths


Simple Interest

Compound Interest


Profit and Loss



Mensuration- Areas and Volumes

Area and Perimeter of Plane Figure

Volume And Surface Area of Solid
Test of Reasoning/Mental Ability/Aptitude
Questions are asked mainly from the following topics/subtopics
 Verbal Tests

Reasoning Tests

Analytical Reasoning

Direction and Distance Test

Linear Arrangement Test

Complex Arrangement Test

Analogy Test

Classification (Odd Man Out) Test

Coding Decoding Test 

Series Test

Blood Relationships Test

Symbols and Notations

Alphabet Test

Data Sufficiency Test

Data Interpretation Test

Logic Tests


Statements Assumptions

Statements Arguments

Statements Conclusions

Statements Action

Questions are asked mainly from the following topics/subtopics
 English Vocabulary




Spelling Mistakes

English Proficiency

Idioms and Phrases

One Word Subsitution

Sentence Formation

Sentence Completion

Sentence Improvement

Sentence Reconstruction

Rearrangement of  Words In Sentence

Rearrangement of Sentence In Paragrph

Paragraph Formation

Paragraph Completion

Fill in The Blanks

Cloze Tests

English Usage Errors

Common Errors

Spotting Errors

Inappropriate Usage of Words

Sentence Correction

English Comprehension

General Awareness
 General Topics

General Knowledge

Famous Personalities

Books And Authors
First Largest Longest Etc In World

Inventions And Discoveries





World Organisations

Statistical Data - World

Prizes And Awards

Famous Places
Trade Awareness

General Studies
Solar System




General Geography

General History
General Concepts (Polity)

General Economics Study

General Polity

General Science

General Computer Science

Sports And Recreation 

Current Events

Current Events Period Wise

Current Events Topic Wise

Persons Places Awards Authors 


Science And Technology 


Trade Awareness 


 Computer Knowledge
Mainly from History of Computer Development ,Types of Computer, Computer Languages , Computer Arithmetic ,Computer Hardware ,Computer Software ,Computer Network ,Internet etc.

For detail information visit
For more exam visit



Online Examination Structure:-
The New India Assurance Company Ltd.(NIACL), ADMINISTRATIVE Officers in Scale I cadre Selection will be made on the basis of performance in the on-line test followed by a personal interview of short listed candidates.
Phase-I: Preliminary Examination
Preliminary  Examination  consisting  of  Objective  Tests  for  100  marks  will  be conducted  online.
This  test  would  be  of 1  hour  duration  consisting  of  3 sections as follows:

Maximum Marks
Time limit
English Language
1 hour
Reasoning Ability
Quantitative aptitude


Candidates  have to  qualify  in  each test by  securing  passing  marks  to  be  decided by the Company.
Phase –II: Main Examination
Main  Examination will consist  of  Objective  Tests  for  200  marks  and
Descriptive Test  for  30  marks. Both  the  Objective  and  Descriptive  Tests  will  be  online.
Candidates will  have  to  answer  Descriptive Test  by  typing  on  the  computer.
Immediately   after   completion   of   Objective   Test, Descriptive   Test   will   be
(I) Objective Test:
The  Objective  Test  of  2  hours  duration  consists  of  4  sections for total 200 marks.

Maximum Marks
Time limit
Test Of Reasoning
120 Minutes (Composite)
Test Of Quantitative aptitude
Test Of General Awareness
Test Of English Language


(ii) Descriptive Test:
The DescriptiveTest of 30  minutes duration  with 30  marks will  be  a  Test  of 
English  Language  (Letter  Writing-10marks&  Essay-20  marks).
The  descriptive  test  will  be  in  English  and  will  be  conducted  through  on-line mode.
Each  candidate  will  be  required  to  obtain  a  minimum  score  for  each  section  of
objective     test     separately     for     short     listing     for     the     Descriptive     test evaluation/Interview.   Descriptive   answer   script   would   be   evaluated   only   in respect  of  those  candidates  who  qualify  the  objective  test.

PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS  (Applicable to both – Preliminary and Main examination)

There will be negative marks for wrong answer, 1/4th of the allotted marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Candidates   who   have   been   shortlisted   at   the   end   of   Phase-II   will
subsequently  be  called  for  an  Interview  to  be  conducted  by  the  Company.
Interview will be conducted at select centres. The weightage (ratio) of online
Examination and Interview will be 80:20 respectively.  

Final Selection :
Final  selection  would  be  based  on  consolidated  marks  of  main
examination (objective test)  &  Interview.  The  final  merit  list  shall  be  prepared  in  descending order  of  the  consolidated  marks  secured  by  the  candidates.

Cut off Score :

Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum total score for short listing for the interview. Depending on the number of vacancies available, cut offs will be decided for short listing.

The above tests, except the Test of English Language, will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi. The Company reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its website

Exam Pattern of Main Examination

How to Prepare JEE MAIN 2019 Exam


For achieving success in any exam there are some fundamental rules common to all exams and there are some exam specific  preparations

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Fundamentals for Preparation

Construction of knowledge in your mind is the key because only you have to reproduce this knowledge in exam. Teaching (Instructions) from school / coaching class / digital media are methods of giving knowledge to you but far more important is how much have you gained (construction of knowledge in your mind) and for that only your efforts will matter.  Memorising is short lived. Learning is lasting as you have put in efforts to understand each topic. In objective exams there is no shortcut to learning

After school / college teaching if you go to coaching classes, you have moved from teaching mode again to teaching mode but what is required is to move to learning mode because you have already received instructions (teaching) once and now it is important to construct (learning) them in your mind because only this mind has to reproduce knowledge in exam. If you have enough time, coaching will help by further reinforcing instructions (teaching) but if time is a constraint, you have carefully to plan time management – may be take help in weak subjects. But even after coaching, learning is a must. Teaching should complement learning which is final goal in your education  endeavour.

Remember learning can be effectively undertaken when you understand what is known to you, what remains to be known and initiate steps to bridge the gap. Third party only will be able to tell you what is not known to you. Here self assessor is effective tool. Once you have identified gap in topic or key concept (questions done incorrectly in self assessor), first try to resolve it yourself by referring to any standard book. Thereafter take help of your colleagues or teacher. Kindly do not leave these gaps unattended/ unresolved. Fill them same day as next day you tend to forget and there are other topics to be completed in your schedule. Master this topic well before moving. Rome is built brick by brick.

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1. Understand your goal – JEE MAIN – Please go through tentative dates of the  exam and syllabus and define your weekly schedule to cover each topic. You have to master subject each topic wise step by step and the practice for final exam around two months before exam date. Please also understand exam pattern, go through exam analysis to understand the way exam was in last year and remember cut offs as they will help to bench mark your performance Go through the syllabus thoroughly. Most of your syllabus will be similar to that of 11th and 12th class of CBSE. Knowing your goal fuels achievement. Quantify your goals. Goals which cannot be measured are never achieved. For example your goal can have a short term objective - I shall complete laws of motion in next two days and shall be able to answer 80% objective questions on concepts and problems of laws of motion correctly and there after assess yourself to measure whether you have achieved your short term objective

2. Build timelines – Ideal start time will be 11th class. Build your study schedule week wise  alongside the schedule of your school curriculum as your CBSE and school syllabus are same.

3. Daily steps

• Concentrate during classes whether in school /college or coaching institutes.

• Take your notes, jot important points to remember

• Review the knowledge you have gained subject wise /topic wise/ subtopic wise or keyword wise by assessing yourself through self tests daily/weekly depending upon the depth of your course curriculum in Self Assessor. Remember to build enough challenge in your tests as this not only assesses your learning properly but also adds lot to your knowledge from its own knowledge pool during assessment.

• Analyse your self test results carefully. You would have committed some silly mistakes. Try to avoid them next time. There would be many areas at your level which were unknown to you but are required to be understood for the exam you are preparing for. Try to understand/clear your doubts preferably same day on these areas by referring back to your books, discussing with your colleagues or from your teacher next day. Do not leave this to unattended because on next day other topics are waiting to be mastered

• On completing the subject you can simulate mock tests/old papers and more tests from test patterns of JEE MAIN in Test Simulator. As these tests simulate exam like environment, you will have first hand experience of your knowledge depth, speed and accuracy. In addition you will be able to benchmark your performance with previous year results and shall have good information on your level of preparedness

• The test taken by you are kept as a history for a limited time. You can access the same, analyse the results and discuss the same with your teachers/guides/ mentors to improve further

The key in competitive exam is:

It is important how much you know about a subject but what is more important is how much you know more than others. That is what differentiates a winner from a loser

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Exam Specific Preparation


Best time to start is at begining of 11th class itself. Complete syllabus two months before exam date. Build a weekly time schedule. Try to cover most of topics by synchronising them with your class curriculum. This will save most of time as well ensure good results in board exams besides JEE MAIN.


Its very simple

Concentrate in class in the topics of all three subjects. Jot important points

Study yourself from any good book preferably same topics of the subjects for about 2 hour 15 minutes (45 minutes each subject at home)  to move from teaching to learning mode. For any additional chapter/topic which is in JEE MAIN and not in your class curriculum, an additional hour may be required but it will only be few cases and not daily. Then practice problems on same areas for about 1  and half hour (averagely half hour each topic of the subject)

Thereafter take a ten to fifteen minutes self test in self assessor on each topic of the subject studied by you to assess level of understanding achieved in the topic studied. These tests draw questions from a large and specific knowledge pool based on your selection criteria.  Kindly ensure that there is sufficient challenge in your self test. Your number of questions be more than 10 for the topic, (in keyconcept based on keyword they can be even less than 10), level of questions should be at least L2 and time should be bare enough to solve questions. If there are some specific concepts in topic studied by use, take tests on them also by inputting suitable keyword in self assessor.

Analyse results. For questions done incorrectly refer to books to understand where you have gone. try to complete this exercise alone. Alternatively take help of your mentor. The mentors can be your school teacher or teacher in coaching class. To economise time prefer coaching if necessary only in subjects where you are weak.

Thereafter retake test with new set of questions. Once confident, move to next topic. This is active learning as you have yourself put in efforts to understand topics. You will start enjoying your studies and these concepts will be long lasting in you mind

For more information and practice test visit

Syllabus Of JEE MAIN


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There are many good books in market but stick to few books only.

Keep NCERT books as your base book alongwith one more textbook each subjectwise for theory and one book for problems. rest all should only be used as reference books only to clear specific doubts

Below mentioned is a exhaustive list of important books for JEE MAIN AND JEE ADVANCE

Name of Book Writer / Publisher To be used as


NCERT Physics for 11th and 12th NCERT Text book
Concepts of Physics Vol I and II HC Verma Text Book and Problems exercise
Problems in General Physics I.E. Irodov Problems exercise book
Advanced Level Physics Nelkon and Parker Reference book
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics S.S Krotov Reference book
Collection of questions and Problems in Physics L.A. Sena Reference book
Dynamics of a Particle & of Rigid Bodies S.L. Loney Reference book
Elements of Dynamics Part I & II S.L Loney Reference book
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick & Walker Reference book
Physics Problems w/solutions Chen, Min Reference book
Physics Vols I & II Tipler Reference book
Problem in Physics V.Zubov & V.Shalnov Reference book
Problems in Physics A.A Pinsky Reference book
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 1 and 2 R.P. Feynman Reference book
University Physics Sears and Zemansky Reference book


NCERT Maths for 11th and 12th NCERT Text book
Maths XI & XII R. S. Agarwal Text book
Plane Trigonometry Part I S.L. Loney Text book
Co-ordinate Geometry S.L. Loney Text book
Algebra Arihant Prakashan Reference book
Algebra Made Easy K.P. Basu Reference book
Calculus J. Edward Reference book
Complete Course IIT Mathematics Tata McGraw Hill Reference book
Co-ordinate Geometry Dr. Gorakh Prasad Reference book
Differential Calculus Arihant Prakashan Reference book
Elementary Math’s DoroFeev, Patapov Reference book
Higher Algebra Hall & Knight Reference book
Higher Algebra Bernard & Child Reference book
IIT Mathematics plus A Dasgupta Reference book
Integral Calculus Arihant Prakashan Reference book
Intro. to Probability & its Applications W. Feller Reference book
Maths Krechmar Reference book
Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis G.N. Berman Reference book
Problems in Calculus of One Variable I.A. Maron Reference book
Problems in Mathematics V Govorov, P.Dybov, N.Miroshin, S.Smirnova. Reference book
Vectors Shanti Narayan Reference book
Vectors & 3-D Geometry Arihant Prakashan Reference book


NCERT Chemistry for 11th and 12th NCERT Text book
Physical Chemistry P. Bahadur Text book
Organic Chemistry Solomons Text book
Inorganic Chemistry O.P. Tandon Text book
Numerical Chemistry R.C. Mukhrjee Problems exercise book
Chemistry Principles & Applications Sienko & Plane Reference book
Concise Inorganic Chemistry J.D. Lee Reference book
General Chemistry Ebbing Reference book
IIT Chemistry O.P. Agarwal Reference book
IIT Chemistry Tata McGraw Hill Reference book
Inorganic Chemistry Arihant Prakashan Reference book
Organic Chemistry Morrison and Boyd Reference book
Organic Chemistry Francis Carey Reference book
Organic Chemistry Arihant Prakashan Reference book
Organic Chemistry O.P. Tandon Reference book
Organic Chemistry Paula Bruice Yurkanis Reference book
Organic Chemistry Bahal & Bahal Reference book
Organic Chemistry-Vol I I. L. Finar Reference book
Physical Chemistry O.P. Tandon Reference book
Physical Chemistry P.W. Atkins Reference book
University Chemistry Bruce H. Mahan Reference book