Saturday, December 31, 2016



For achieving success in any exam there are some fundamental rules common to all exams and there are some exam specific  preparations
Fundamentals for Preparation

Construction of knowledge in your mind is the key because only you have to reproduce this knowledge in exam. Teaching (Instructions) from school / coaching class / digital media are methods of giving knowledge to you but far more important is how much have you gained (construction of knowledge in your mind) and for that only your efforts will matter.  Memorising is short lived. Learning is lasting as you have put in efforts to understand each topic. In objective exams there is no shortcut to learning.

After school / college teaching if you go to coaching classes, you have moved from teaching mode again to teaching mode but what is required is to move to learning mode because you have already received instructions (teaching) once and now it is important to construct (learning) them in your mind because only this mind has to reproduce knowledge in exam. If you have enough time, coaching will help by further reinforcing instructions (teaching) but if time is a constraint, you have carefully to plan time management – may be take help in weak subjects. But even after coaching, learning is a must. Teaching should complement learning which is final goal in your education  endeavour.
Remember learning can be effectively undertaken when you understand what is known to you, what remains to be known and initiate steps to bridge the gap. Third party only will be able to tell you what is not known to you. Here self assessor is effective tool. Once you have identified gap in topic or key concept (questions done incorrectly in self assessor), first try to resolve it yourself by referring to any standard book. Thereafter take help of your colleagues or teacher. Kindly do not leave these gaps unattended/ unresolved. Fill them same day as next day you tend to forget and there are other topics to be completed in your schedule. Master this topic well before moving. Rome is built brick by brick.  

1. Understand your goal – JEE(ADVANCED) – Please go through tentative dates of the  exam and syllabus and define your weekly schedule to cover each topic. You have to master subject each topic wise step by step and the practice for final exam around two months before exam date. Please also understand exam pattern, go through exam analysis to understand the way exam was in last year and remember cut offs as they will help to bench mark your performance Go through the syllabus thoroughly. Most of your syllabus will be similar to that of 11th and 12th class of CBSE. Knowing your goal fuels achievement. Quantify your goals. Goals which cannot be measured are never achieved. For example your goal can have a short term objective - I shall complete laws of motion in next two days and shall be able to answer 80% objective questions on concepts and problems of laws of motion correctly and there after assess yourself to measure whether you have achieved your short term objective
2. Build timelines – Ideal start time will be 11th class. Build your study schedule week wise  along side the schedule of your school curriculum as your JEE(ADVANCED) and school syllabus are same.

3. Daily steps

• Concentrate during classes whether in school /college or coaching institutes.
• Take your notes, jot important points to remember
• Review the knowledge you have gained subject wise /topic wise/ subtopic wise or keyword wise by assessing yourself through self tests daily/weekly depending upon the depth of your course curriculum in Self Assessor. Remember to build enough challenge in your tests as this not only assesses your learning properly but also adds lot to your knowledge from its own knowledge pool during assessment.
• Analyse your self test results carefully. You would have committed some silly mistakes. Try to avoid them next time. There would be many areas at your level which were unknown to you but are required to be understood for the exam you are preparing for. Try to understand/clear your doubts preferably same day on these areas by referring back to your books, discussing with your colleagues or from your teacher next day. Do not leave this to unattended because on next day other topics are waiting to be mastered
• On completing the subject you can simulate mock tests/old papers and more tests from test patterns of JEE(ADVANCED) in Test Simulator. As these tests simulate exam like environment, you will have first hand experience of your knowledge depth, speed and accuracy. In addition you will be able to benchmark your performance with previous year results and shall have good information on your level of preparedness
• The test taken by you are kept as a history for a limited time. You can access the same, analyse the results and discuss the same with your teachers/guides/ mentors to improve further

The key in competitive exam is:

It is important how much you know about a subject but what is more important is how much you know more than others. That is what differentiates a winner from a loser

Exam Specific Preparation

Best time to start is at begining of 11th class itself. Complete syllabus two months before exam date. Build a weekly time schedule. Try to cover most of topics by synchronising them with your class curriculum. This will save most of time as well ensure good results in board exams besides IIT. 
Its very simple Concentrate in class in the topics of all three subjects. Jot important points. 
Study yourself from any good book preferably same topics of the subjects for about 2 hour 15 minutes (45 minutes each subject at home)  to move from teaching to learning mode. For any additional chapter/topic which is in IIT and not in your class curriculum, an additional hour may be required but it will only be few cases and not daily. Then practice problems on same areas for about 1  and half hour (averagely half hour each topic of the subject)
Thereafter take a ten to fifteen minutes self test in self assessor on each topic of the subject studied by you to assess level of understanding achieved in the topic studied. These tests draw questions from a large and specific knowledge pool based on your selection criteria.  Kindly ensure that there is sufficient challenge in your self test. Your number of questions be more than 10 for the topic, (in keyconcept based on keyword they can be even less than 10), level of questions should be at least L2 and time should be bare enough to solve questions. If there are some specific concepts in topic studied by use, take tests on them also by inputting suitable keyword in self assessor.
 Analyse results. For questions done incorrectly refer to books to understand where you have gone, try to complete this exercise alone. Alternatively take help of your mentor. The mentors can be your school teacher or teacher in coaching class. To economise time prefer coaching if necessary only in subjects where you are weak. 
Thereafter retake test with new set of questions. Once confident, move to next topic. This is active learning as you have yourself put in efforts to understand topics. You will start enjoying your studies and these concepts will be long lasting in you mind


There are many good books in market but stick to few books only.
Keep NCERT books as your base book alongwith one more textbook each subjectwise for theory and one book for problems. rest all should only be used as reference books only to clear specific doubts

Below mentioned is a exhaustive list of important books for JEE(ADVANCED) 
Name of Book
Writer / Publisher
To be used as


NCERT Physics for 11th and 12th 
Text book
Concepts of Physics Vol I and II 
HC Verma
Text Book and Problems exercise
Problems in General Physics 
I.E. Irodov 
Problems exercise book
Advanced Level Physics 
Nelkon and Parker 
Reference book
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics 
S.S Krotov 
Reference book
Collection of questions and Problems in Physics 
L.A. Sena 
Reference book
Dynamics of a Particle & of Rigid Bodies 
S.L. Loney 
Reference book
Elements of Dynamics Part I & II 
S.L Loney 
Reference book
Fundamentals of Physics 
Halliday, Resnick & Walker 
Reference book
Physics Problems w/solutions 
Chen, Min 
Reference book
Physics Vols I & II 
Reference book
Problem in Physics 
V.Zubov & V.Shalnov 
Reference book
Problems in Physics 
A.A Pinsky 
Reference book
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 1 and 2
R.P. Feynman 
Reference book
University Physics 
Sears and Zemansky 
Reference book


NCERT Maths for 11th and 12th 
Text book
Maths XI & XII 
R. S. Agarwal 
Text book
Plane Trigonometry Part I 
S.L. Loney
Text book
Co-ordinate Geometry 
S.L. Loney
Text book
Arihant Prakashan 
Reference book
Algebra Made Easy 
K.P. Basu 
Reference book
J. Edward 
Reference book
Complete Course IIT Mathematics
Tata McGraw Hill 
Reference book
Co-ordinate Geometry 
Dr. Gorakh Prasad 
Reference book
Differential Calculus 
Arihant Prakashan 
Reference book
Elementary Math’s  
DoroFeev, Patapov 
Reference book
Higher Algebra 
Hall & Knight 
Reference book
Higher Algebra  
Bernard & Child 
Reference book
IIT Mathematics plus 
A Dasgupta
Reference book
Integral Calculus 
Arihant Prakashan 
Reference book
Intro. to Probability & its Applications 
W. Feller 
Reference book
Reference book
Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis 
G.N. Berman 
Reference book
Problems in Calculus of One Variable 
I.A. Maron 
Reference book
Problems in Mathematics 
V Govorov, P.Dybov, N.Miroshin, S.Smirnova. 
Reference book
Shanti Narayan 
Reference book
Vectors & 3-D Geometry 
Arihant Prakashan 
Reference book


NCERT Chemistry for 11th and 12th 
Text book
Physical Chemistry 
P. Bahadur 
Text book
Organic Chemistry 
Text book
Inorganic Chemistry 
O.P. Tandon 
Text book
Numerical Chemistry
R.C. Mukhrjee
Problems exercise book
Chemistry Principles & Applications 
Sienko & Plane 
Reference book
Concise Inorganic Chemistry 
J.D. Lee 
Reference book
General Chemistry 
Reference book
IIT Chemistry 
O.P. Agarwal 
Reference book
IIT Chemistry 
Tata McGraw Hill 
Reference book
Inorganic Chemistry
Arihant Prakashan 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry 
Morrison and Boyd 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry 
Francis Carey 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry 
Arihant Prakashan 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry 
O.P. Tandon 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry 
Paula Bruice Yurkanis 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry  
Bahal & Bahal 
Reference book
Organic Chemistry-Vol I 
I. L. Finar 
Reference book
Physical Chemistry
O.P. Tandon 
Reference book
Physical Chemistry 
P.W. Atkins 
Reference book
University Chemistry 
Bruce H. Mahan 
Reference book



Kindly note that TestBag has now a dedicated microsite for NCHMCT JEE exams. Please click on for one stop on everything about NCHMCT JEE Exam.
Written exam (JEE-2018) : 28th April, 2018, Saturday, 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
NCHM JEE 2018 Important Dates
Events of NCHM JEE
Important Dates
 December 24, 2017
Applications Form Available Online

 December 24, 2017
Last date of application (online )
 April 11, 2018
Online admit cards
 April 20, 2018
NCHMJEE entrance exam 2018
  April 28, 2018
Online results declaration
 Third week of May 2018
Counselling begins
 Last week of May - First week of June 2018

Click Here For NCHMCT JEE Onine Mock Test Series

National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology (NCHMCT) is an autonomous body under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. The Council centrally run and regulates academics for B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration and ten other structured courses of study that are imparted at the affiliated 21 Central Institutes of Hotel Management, 22 State Government Institutes of Hotel Management, 01 Public Sector Undertaking and 14 Private Institutes of Hotel Management. Besides, 12 Food Craft Institutes, 2 SIHMs (running only diploma level program) located in different parts of the country, offer Diploma programs in core operational areas. 
The Bachelor of Science programme in Hospitality and Hotel Administration is offered jointly by the National Council for Hotel Management and the Indira Gandhi National Open University. The Three-Year programme equips students with all the required skills, knowledge and attitude to efficiently discharge supervisory responsibilities in the Hospitality sector. The programme also involves in-depth laboratory work for students to acquire required knowledge and skills standards in the operational areas of Food Production, Food and Beverage Service, Front Office Operation and House Keeping and providing managerial inputs in Hotel Accountancy, Food Safety and Quality, Human Resource Management, Facility Planning, Financial Management, Strategic Management, Tourism Marketing and Tourism Management .
Eligibility For NCHMCT JEE
Minimum qualification for admission is a pass in the examination of 10+2 system of Senior Secondary education or its equivalent with English as one of the compulsory subject. Those appearing in 10+2 or equivalent examination can also appear in JEE 2017 on provisional basis. Provisional admissions will stand cancelled if proof of having passed the qualifying examination (10+2 or its equivalent) is not submitted at the time of counselling or at the time of admission.  Admissions will be subject to verification of facts from the original certificates/ documents to be produced by the candidates at the time of Counselling and at the time of admission in Institute. Even after admission to an Institute, if an applicant is at a later date found ineligible on account of having submitted false information or testimonials or for having suppressed any material information, his/her admission will be cancelled and the fee paid will also be forfeited. Decision of National Council in this regard shall be final.

click Here For NCHMCT JEE Onine Free Mock Test Series

List of approved qualifying examinations for Indian Students
• Plus two level examination in the 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education of any recognized Central/ State Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination or State Boards of Secondary Education.
• Intermediate or two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University.
• General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/ Cambridge/ Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
• High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University.
• Any Public School/ Board/ University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education.
• H.S.C. Vocational Examination.
• Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects including English as one of the Subjects.

Age Limit
For candidates from General and OBC categories upper age limit is 22 years as on 1.7. 2018, only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after July 01, 1996 are eligible. In the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates upper age limit is 25 years as on 1.7.2018, only those SC / ST candidates whose date of birth falls on or after July 01, 1993 will be eligible.  Upper age limit for Physically Challenged candidates shall be reckoned as per the category he/she belongs to since Physically Challenged category candidates may belong to General/SC/ST/OBC category.  Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/ Pre-University Certificate is the only authentic proof that will be accepted. At the time of Counselling, this certificate must be produced in original as a proof of age, failing which the candidate will not be considered for counselling/admissions.

Physical Fitness
All qualified candidates will have to submit a physical fitness certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner in the prescribed format given in this Brochure at the time of admission.
Availability of Seats For NCHMCT JEE 
Name of  Institute of Hotel Management 
Total seats for 1st Yr (2018-19)
(inclusive  reservations in Govt.IHMs & 5% Over & Above in all IHMs)
1 Bengaluru
2 Bhopal
3 Bhubaneswar
4 Chennai 
5 Chandigarh 230  
6 Delhi Pusa
8 Gandhinagar
9 Goa
10 Gurdaspur
11 Guwahati 
12 Gwalior
14 Hyderabad
15 Jaipur
16 Kolkata
17 Lucknow
17 Mumbai
18 Shillong 
19 Shimla
20 Srinagar
22 CIHM-Chandigarh
23 SIHM-Dehradun
24 DIHM-Lajpat Nagar, NEW DELHI 120
25 SIHM- Faridabad
26 SIHM-Gangtok 
27 SIHM-Jodhpur
28 SIHM-Kozhikode
29 SIHM-Kurukshetra
30 SIHM- Bathinda (Punjab)
31 SIHM- Hamirpur (H.P.)
32 SIHM- Silvasa (Dadar Nagar Haveli)
34 State Institute of Hotel Management ,ROHTAK
35 State Institute of Hotel Management, PUDUCHERY
36 State Institute of Hotel Management, PANIPAT
38 CCHM -Landran,Mohali, (PUNJAB)
39 Chitkara School of HM, Rajpura
K C College of HM , Nawanshahr, PUNJAB
42 IHM-Meerut
43 Oriental School of H M,WAYANAD, KERALA
44 SRM Institute of Hotel Management, Chennai
45 Ranjita IHM, Bhubaneswar
46 Shri Shakti College of H M, Hyderabad
47 Munnar Cat.College, Kerala
48 Guru Nanak IHM-Kolkata
49 C T IHM-Jalandhar
50 Rayat & Bahra IHM-Mohali
51 St.Soldier IHM-Jalandhar
52 C T Institute of Hotel Management
UE II- Pratap Pura Road,
Jalandhar- 144 020 (Punjab)
53 St.Soldier Institute of Hotel Management
Behind NIT, Jalandhar- Amritsar Bye Pass
Jalandhar- 144 011 (Punjab)
54 The Lalit Suri Hospitality School
Neear Badhkal Complex,
Pali Road
Numberof Institutes and number of seats may increase or decrease marginally, which shall be notified on website before the date of Counselling. 
Reservation of Seats
Reservation of seats are as per rules applicable respectively to Institutes of Hotel Management. For details kindly refer to JEE 2018 brochure
Exam Dates and Schedule For NCHMCT JEE
Date of NCHMCT JEE 2018 Examination : 28th April, 2018 ( Saturday) 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. ( 3 hrs)
Last Date for receipt of completed Application Form : 11th April, 2018
Detail shall be available in the Council’s website from the 24. 12.2017
Application form available online: 24th December, 2017 to 11th April, 2018
Admit Card to be downloaded from from 20th April-2018 (1400 hours) onwards
Result of Written Test shall be announced on the Council’s web site in the 3rd week of May, 2018

How to Apply : On-line application form shall be available on the Councils website from the 24.12.2017.
Candidates apply through on-line from 24.12.2017 by remitting fee through payment gateway. For  on-line application and other details, access website
Last date for receipt of completed application by any of the above modes:  11th April 2018 

 For More Information visit

Click Here For NCHMCT JEE Onine Mock Test Series

Monday, December 5, 2016

TestBag – Online Assessment System

TestBag is first of its kind online assessment system and practice platform to meet needs of 
Students, Teachers, Parents,
Schools , Colleges, Universities , Academic Institutions
Classroom based Coaching Classes
Students :
Online  site for formative and summative assessment helps students
In monitoring own performance on knowledge, skills, time management etc
Learning to be critique of own knowledge and understanding
Learning to take full responsibilities of the performance
Learning about shortcomings and initiate steps for improvement
Learning from mistakes and improving on them
Learning about topics not covered or covered inadequately
Benching marking your performance with peers and achievers

Objective assessment is becoming more popular as they are easier to administer, a large area of subjects/topics can be covered and can be assessed in small time. In addition the chances of errors on account of handwriting etc are also eliminated.

In objective assessment multiple choice questions are most popular although true/false, multiple response, fill-in-blanks and matching are also used in some exams.

In past few years responses of objective assessment are recorded on machine readable forms and as such results are drawn more quickly and accurately.

Recently dramatic increase in usage of Computers and internet has supported increased use of online assessment using objective questions

Online testing broadly is aassessment by using information technology. This generally is also called as e- assessment.

The assessment can be based on a criteria or can be general i.e without any specific criteria such as IQ tests.

Most of exams which have specific syllabus assess students based on a certain criteria where questions are drawn from specific areas (say physics, chemistry, mathematics etc), the questions are of certain type (say multiple choice, multiple response etc) the questions are of a certain level of difficulty, the questions are to be answered in some given time and there is a criteria to allocate marks/grade for correct/incorrect responses and questions not attempted. Testbag is currently catering to such type of assessments using multiple choice questions (which is most popular form of objective assessment).

TestBag's Assessment

The word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin verb ‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’
Assessment is the process of measuring knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes and documenting the  same.
Assessment is the systematic collection, examination, and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data about student learning and the use of that information to document and to improve student learning
Assessment is NOT…
• Solely an administrative activity.
• merely a  means of comparison. It’s main purpose is for improvement only.
• An intrusion into a teacher’s / instructor’s classroom or an infringement on
academic freedom.
• Exclusively conducted in classroom settings. It is mutually the responsibility of faculty and out of class educators and learners and can be taken during instruction phase or after instruction phase

Saturday, December 3, 2016



TestBag broadly covers all type of objective questions topics/subtopics in

General English :
Reading Comprehension

Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability
Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency Current Affairs (of last 2 years)
Analytical and Logical Reasoning
as outlined in exam pattern of SNAP

 For details on SNAP Exam Eligibility, Exam Dates, Schedule and Exam Centres,  Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Exam Analysis, Cut Off’s and Recent Notifications ( SNAP 2016 ) if any, please click on respective links on left.  
SNAP entrance exam is a competitive and will require a planned action to achieve success. Following modules in TestBag would be of help

Exam Analyser has details of SNAP. Please go through tentative dates of the  exam and exam pattern and define your weekly schedule to cover each topic You have to master subject each topic wise step by step and the practice for final exam around one month before exam date. Please also go through exam analysis to understand the way exam was in last year and remember cut offs as they will help to bench mark your performance

Self Assessor has multiple choice questions and all other type of questions in topics Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, data Sufficiency and Verbal Ability (English) Everyday after studying the topic in class, master the same by simulating self tests on the topic or keyword with sufficient challenge so that you can bench mark your accuracy with time. Self Assessor will not only indicate your level of learning, accuracy and speed on each topic  but will add a lot to your knowledge from its own knowledge pool on every self assessment. Analyse the question attempted incorrectly by you by revisting the topic concept in any good book or take help of your collegues and teachers. Preferably complete this exercise on same day or by next day as another topic will be waiting to be mastered next day.  We recommend self assessment for SNAP mainly on multiple choice questions and some other type questions at level L1 and L2.
Test Simulator has mock tests/ test patterns for SNAP. These tests are based on previous year patterns specific to SNAP or are created  by subject matter experts. Mock tests have fixed of questions indicated topicwise in each mock tests but test pattern generate new tests every time by drawing questions from large knowledge pool based on SNAP exam parameters such as question number, types, topics included, level of questions, marks and time. These tests simulate exam like environment and first hand experience helps to put many unfounded fears to rest.

The results of all test taken are instantaneous detailing question attempted with correct answers and answers given

Test History stores results with details of each attempted question in  all  tests simulated by user  to enable each user to monitor his/her progress and discuss shortcoming with teachers/mentors